Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Homeschooling in Colorado - I'm Back!

I haven't posted in awhile. Been totally remiss, I guess. But I have a doggone good reason: I've been busy learning how to put my website back online. My, things have changed in the 6 years I've been gone! CSS, style sheets, html editors (I'm using RapidWeaver - please let's hope it's more stable than nVu), php, javascript, and other impressive terms as well.

Rocky Mountain Education Connection, it's called. And I've missed it. It was my life from 1996 - 2000. I found that my kids are grown, but I can't stop being a homeschooler no matter how I try. Or shall I say - Unschooler. It's a part of me. And I love talking about it. So why not do the thing you love best? (well, there are a few other things in life ... but this is a family blog so let's be nice)

I'm tired right now, really too tired to write much. (as ChillyMama will happily attest to) All my writing energy's gone into writing for my website. C'mon over and check it out if you have a minute. It's not your typical homeschool site, that much is for sure. My fun-loving personality's stamped all over it.

I'll try and get back here and blog some more about what's going on there, and in the homeschooling world in general. There have been some things I've found that startle me. If you want a glimpse of what they are, check out the article Cyberspace Changes Everything. In the meantime, is there anything you'd like to know? Have questions? Comments? Post 'em. Let me know. I've been homeschooling for 14 years; I can answer just about anything.

I'll see you soon! (I promise. YES Chilly, I promise!)

1 comment:

Chilly said...

Well, it's about time!

Looking forward to hearing more from you, darling!