Okay, so this is just a test to see if Blogger (aka Google in disguise with glasses) will even let me post here anymore. I mean shit-skees, I haven't blogged in ages.
Stopped over to Chilly's blog to see what was up. The girl's off on yet another adventure. This time, hovering somewhere between here and Lost Wages, with all her belongings inside a wayward trailer, being tossed around in a Texas windstorm. I love the girl but honestly, she is a little nuts. Hell. Maybe that's why I love her. I've never been normal anyway. Why start now?
Oh, and I do have to thank her for posting Sunday Randomosities about that (new?) blog she found entitled Stuff White People Like. The tongue-in-cheek ranting about organics just about had me splitting at the sides with hysterical laughter. Yeppers, it's become a screwy world. I saw a bottle labeled "Organic Shampoo" the other day. That was the topper for me, right there.
Anyway, thanks for the chortles ol' pal. I need 'em.
Now, should this posting actually go thru, I'll be back, as promised, to entrall you with more of my meaningless ramblings. Adios for now, baby.